MistServer  2.5.3-Pro-19-gf5e75b1 ( Generic_64)
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Mist::Output Class Reference

The output class is intended to be inherited by MistOut process classes. More...

#include <output.h>

Inheritance diagram for Mist::Output:
Mist::InOutBase Mist::HTTPOutput Mist::OutPush Mist::OutRaw Mist::OutRTMP Mist::OutRTSP Mist::OutDashMP4 Mist::OutHDS Mist::OutHSS Mist::OutHTTP Mist::OutHTTPMinimalServer Mist::OutJSON Mist::OutProgressiveFLV Mist::OutProgressiveMP3 Mist::OutProgressiveMP4 Mist::OutProgressiveOGG Mist::OutProgressiveSRT

Public Member Functions

 Output (Socket::Connection &conn)
virtual ~Output ()
void bufferFinalize (unsigned long tid)
 Wraps up the buffering of a shared memory data page. More...
void bufferLivePacket (JSON::Value &packet)
 Buffers a live packet to a page. More...
void bufferLivePacket (DTSC::Packet &packet)
 Buffers a live packet to a page. More...
void bufferNext (DTSC::Packet &pack)
 Buffers the next packet on the currently opened page. More...
void bufferNext (JSON::Value &pack)
 Buffers the next packet on the currently opened page. More...
void bufferRemove (unsigned long tid, unsigned long pageNumber)
 Removes a fully buffered page. More...
bool bufferStart (unsigned long tid, unsigned long pageNumber)
bool closeOutputFileForRecording ()
long unsigned int getMainSelectedTrack ()
 Returns the ID of the main selected track, or 0 if no tracks are selected. More...
virtual void initialize ()
void initiateMeta ()
 Opens a shared memory page for the stream metadata. More...
virtual void onFail ()
 Called when stream initialization has failed. More...
virtual bool onFinish ()
virtual void onRecord ()
virtual void onRequest ()
bool openOutputFileForRecording ()
virtual void prepareNext ()
void reconnect ()
 Connects or reconnects to the stream. More...
virtual void requestHandler ()
int run ()
void seek (unsigned long long pos)
 Prepares all tracks from selectedTracks for seeking to the specified ms position. More...
bool seek (unsigned int tid, unsigned long long pos, bool getNextKey=false)
void selectDefaultTracks ()
virtual void sendHeader ()
virtual void sendNext ()
void setBlocking (bool blocking)
void stats ()
void stop ()
 Clears the buffer, sets parseData to false, and generally makes not very much happen at all. More...
void updateMeta ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void init (Util::Config *cfg)
static bool listenMode ()

Data Fields

std::string reqUrl

Static Public Attributes

static JSON::Value capa = JSON::Value()

Protected Member Functions

void continueNegotiate (unsigned long tid)
virtual std::string getConnectedBinHost ()
virtual std::string getConnectedHost ()
unsigned int getKeyForTime (long unsigned int trackId, long long timeStamp)
bool recording ()

Protected Attributes

std::map< int, DTSCPageDatabookKeeping
bool completeKeysOnly
 Bool if we send whole keys only, so the metadata is complete and the output knows in advance what will be sent. More...
unsigned int crc
 Checksum, if any, for usage in the stats. More...
bool isBlocking
 If true, indicates that myConn is blocking. More...
bool isInitialized
 If false, triggers initialization if parseData is true. More...
unsigned int maxSkipAhead
 Maximum ms that we will go ahead of the intended timestamps. More...
unsigned int minSkipAhead
 Minimum ms that we will go ahead of the intended timestamps. More...
 Connection to the client. More...
DTSC::Meta myMeta
 Stores either the input or output metadata. More...
negotiationProxy nProxy
int outputFileDescriptor
bool parseData
 If true, triggers initalization if not already done, sending of header, sending of packets. More...
unsigned int realTime
 Playback speed in ms of data per second. eg: 0 is infinite, 1000 real-time, 5000 is 0.2X speed, 500 = 2X speed. More...
std::set< unsigned long > selectedTracks
 Stores the track id's that are either selected for playback or input. More...
bool sentHeader
 If false, triggers sendHeader if parseData is true. More...
bool standAlone
IPC::sharedClient statsPage
 Shared memory used for statistics reporting. More...
std::string streamName
DTSC::Packet thisPacket
bool wantRequest
 If true, waits for a request. More...

Static Protected Attributes

static Util::Configconfig = NULL

Private Member Functions

bool checkLimits ()
std::string getCountry (std::string ip)
std::string hostLookup (std::string ip)
bool isBlacklisted (std::string host, std::string streamName, int timeConnected)
void loadPageForKey (long unsigned int trackId, long long int keyNum)
void Log (std::string type, std::string message)
bool onList (std::string ip, std::string list)
int pageNumForKey (long unsigned int trackId, long long int keyNum)

Private Attributes

std::set< sortedPageInfobuffer
 A sorted list of next-to-be-loaded packets. More...
bool completeKeyReadyTimeOut
std::map< unsigned long, unsigned int > currKeyOpen
long long unsigned int firstTime
 Time of first packet after last seek. Used for real-time sending. More...
unsigned int lastStats
 Time of last sending of stats. More...
std::map< unsigned long, unsigned long > nxtKeyNum
 Contains the number of the next key, for page seeking purposes. More...
bool sought
 If a seek has been done, this is set to true. Used for seeking on prepareNext(). More...

Detailed Description

The output class is intended to be inherited by MistOut process classes.

It contains all generic code and logic, while the child classes implement anything specific to particular protocols or containers. It contains several virtual functions, that may be overridden to "hook" into the streaming process at those particular points, simplifying child class logic and implementation details.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Mist::Output::Output ( Socket::Connection conn)
Mist::Output::~Output ( )

Member Function Documentation

void Mist::InOutBase::bufferFinalize ( unsigned long  tid)

Wraps up the buffering of a shared memory data page.

Registers the data page on the track index page as well

tidThe trackid of the page to finalize
void Mist::InOutBase::bufferLivePacket ( JSON::Value packet)

Buffers a live packet to a page.

Handles both buffering and creation of new pages

Initiates/continues negotiation with the buffer as well

packetThe packet to buffer
void Mist::InOutBase::bufferLivePacket ( DTSC::Packet packet)

Buffers a live packet to a page.

Handles both buffering and creation of new pages

Initiates/continues negotiation with the buffer as well

packetThe packet to buffer
void Mist::InOutBase::bufferNext ( DTSC::Packet pack)

Buffers the next packet on the currently opened page.

packThe packet to buffer
void Mist::InOutBase::bufferNext ( JSON::Value pack)

Buffers the next packet on the currently opened page.

packThe packet to buffer
Internally calls bufferNext(DTSC::Packet & pack)
void Mist::InOutBase::bufferRemove ( unsigned long  tid,
unsigned long  pageNumber 

Removes a fully buffered page.

Does not do anything if the process is not standalone, in this case the master process will have an overloaded version of this function.

tidThe trackid to remove the page from
pageNumberThe number of the page to remove
bool Mist::InOutBase::bufferStart ( unsigned long  tid,
unsigned long  pageNumber 
bool Mist::Output::checkLimits ( )
bool Mist::Output::closeOutputFileForRecording ( )
void Mist::InOutBase::continueNegotiate ( unsigned long  tid)
std::string Mist::Output::getConnectedBinHost ( )

Reimplemented in Mist::HTTPOutput.

std::string Mist::Output::getConnectedHost ( )

Reimplemented in Mist::HTTPOutput.

std::string Mist::Output::getCountry ( std::string  ip)
unsigned int Mist::Output::getKeyForTime ( long unsigned int  trackId,
long long  timeStamp 
long unsigned int Mist::Output::getMainSelectedTrack ( )

Returns the ID of the main selected track, or 0 if no tracks are selected.

The main track is the first video track, if any, and otherwise the first other track.

std::string Mist::Output::hostLookup ( std::string  ip)
void Mist::Output::init ( Util::Config cfg)
void Mist::Output::initialize ( )
The "CONN_PLAY" trigger is stream-specific, and is ran when an active connection first opens a stream.

Its payload is:

connected client host
output handler name
request URL (if any)

The "USER_NEW" trigger is stream-specific, and is ran when a new user first opens a stream. Segmented protcols are unduplicated over the duration of the statistics log (~10 minutes), true streaming protocols (RTMP, RTSP) are not deduplicated as no duplication ever takes place. Its payload is:

connected client host
User agent checksum (CRC32 of User-agent string)
output handler name
request URL (if any)

Reimplemented in Mist::OutDashMP4.

void Mist::InOutBase::initiateMeta ( )

Opens a shared memory page for the stream metadata.

Assumes myMeta contains the metadata to write.

bool Mist::Output::isBlacklisted ( std::string  host,
std::string  streamName,
int  timeConnected 
static bool Mist::Output::listenMode ( )
void Mist::Output::loadPageForKey ( long unsigned int  trackId,
long long int  keyNum 
void Mist::Output::Log ( std::string  type,
std::string  message 
These logs need to show up in the controller.
Additionally, the triggering and untriggering of limits should be recorded in the controller as well.
void Mist::Output::onFail ( )

Called when stream initialization has failed.

The standard implementation will set isInitialized to false and close the client connection, thus causing the process to exit cleanly.

Reimplemented in Mist::HTTPOutput, and Mist::OutHTTP.

virtual bool Mist::Output::onFinish ( )

Reimplemented in Mist::OutProgressiveOGG, and Mist::OutJSON.

bool Mist::Output::onList ( std::string  ip,
std::string  list 
virtual void Mist::Output::onRecord ( )

Reimplemented in Mist::HTTPOutput.

void Mist::Output::onRequest ( )
bool Mist::Output::openOutputFileForRecording ( )
int Mist::Output::pageNumForKey ( long unsigned int  trackId,
long long int  keyNum 
void Mist::Output::prepareNext ( )
void Mist::Output::reconnect ( )

Connects or reconnects to the stream.

Assumes streamName class member has been set already. Will start input if not currently active, calls onFail() if this does not succeed. After assuring stream is online, clears nProxy.metaPages, then sets nProxy.metaPages[0], statsPage and nProxy.userClient to (hopefully) valid handles. Finally, calls updateMeta()

bool Mist::Output::recording ( )
void Mist::Output::requestHandler ( )

Reimplemented in Mist::HTTPOutput, and Mist::OutPush.

int Mist::Output::run ( )
The "CONN_OPEN" trigger is stream-specific, and is ran when a connection is made or passed to a new handler.

Its payload is:

connected client host
output handler name
request URL (if any)

The "CONN_CLOSE" trigger is stream-specific, and is ran when a connection closes. Its payload is:

connected client host
output handler name
request URL (if any)
generate payload
void Mist::Output::seek ( unsigned long long  pos)

Prepares all tracks from selectedTracks for seeking to the specified ms position.

bool Mist::Output::seek ( unsigned int  tid,
unsigned long long  pos,
bool  getNextKey = false 
void Mist::Output::selectDefaultTracks ( )
void Mist::Output::sendHeader ( )
virtual void Mist::Output::sendNext ( )
void Mist::Output::setBlocking ( bool  blocking)
void Mist::Output::stats ( )
void Mist::Output::stop ( )

Clears the buffer, sets parseData to false, and generally makes not very much happen at all.

void Mist::Output::updateMeta ( )

Field Documentation

std::map<int,DTSCPageData> Mist::Output::bookKeeping
std::set<sortedPageInfo> Mist::Output::buffer

A sorted list of next-to-be-loaded packets.

JSON::Value Mist::Output::capa = JSON::Value()
bool Mist::Output::completeKeyReadyTimeOut
bool Mist::Output::completeKeysOnly

Bool if we send whole keys only, so the metadata is complete and the output knows in advance what will be sent.

Util::Config * Mist::InOutBase::config = NULL
unsigned int Mist::Output::crc

Checksum, if any, for usage in the stats.

std::map<unsigned long, unsigned int> Mist::Output::currKeyOpen
long long unsigned int Mist::Output::firstTime

Time of first packet after last seek. Used for real-time sending.

bool Mist::Output::isBlocking

If true, indicates that myConn is blocking.

bool Mist::Output::isInitialized

If false, triggers initialization if parseData is true.

unsigned int Mist::Output::lastStats

Time of last sending of stats.

unsigned int Mist::Output::maxSkipAhead

Maximum ms that we will go ahead of the intended timestamps.

unsigned int Mist::Output::minSkipAhead

Minimum ms that we will go ahead of the intended timestamps.

Socket::Connection& Mist::Output::myConn

Connection to the client.

DTSC::Meta Mist::InOutBase::myMeta

Stores either the input or output metadata.

negotiationProxy Mist::InOutBase::nProxy
std::map<unsigned long, unsigned long> Mist::Output::nxtKeyNum

Contains the number of the next key, for page seeking purposes.

int Mist::Output::outputFileDescriptor
bool Mist::Output::parseData

If true, triggers initalization if not already done, sending of header, sending of packets.

unsigned int Mist::Output::realTime

Playback speed in ms of data per second. eg: 0 is infinite, 1000 real-time, 5000 is 0.2X speed, 500 = 2X speed.

std::string Mist::Output::reqUrl
std::set<unsigned long> Mist::InOutBase::selectedTracks

Stores the track id's that are either selected for playback or input.

bool Mist::Output::sentHeader

If false, triggers sendHeader if parseData is true.

bool Mist::Output::sought

If a seek has been done, this is set to true. Used for seeking on prepareNext().

bool Mist::InOutBase::standAlone
IPC::sharedClient Mist::Output::statsPage

Shared memory used for statistics reporting.

std::string Mist::InOutBase::streamName
DTSC::Packet Mist::InOutBase::thisPacket
bool Mist::Output::wantRequest

If true, waits for a request.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: