MistServer  2.5.3-Pro-19-gf5e75b1 ( Generic_64)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 const char *embed_js =
2  "function mistembed(streamname) {\n \n //find the current script\n var me;\n " \
3  "if (('currentScript' in document) && (document.currentScript)) {\n me = docum" \
4  "ent.currentScript;\n //not supported in old browsers :(\n }\n else {\n v" \
5  "ar scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');\n me = scripts[scripts." \
6  "length - 1];\n //not correct if the script is inserted dynamically, but this " \
7  "is how it used to be\n }\n \n \n // return the current flash version\n func" \
8  "tion flash_version() {\n var version = 0;\n\n try {\n // check in the" \
9  " mimeTypes\n version = navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash']" \
10  ".enabledPlugin.description.replace(/([^0-9\\.])/g, '').split('.')[0];\n } cat" \
11  "ch(e){}\n try {\n // for our special friend IE\n version = new Acti" \
12  "veXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash').GetVariable(\"$version\").replace(/([" \
13  "^0-9\\,])/g, '').split(',')[0];\n } catch(e){}\n\n return parseInt(version" \
14  ", 10);\n };\n\n // return true if silverlight is installed\n function silverl" \
15  "ight_installed() {\n var plugin;\n \n try {\n // check in the mime" \
16  "Types\n plugin = navigator.plugins[\"Silverlight Plug-In\"];\n return " \
17  "!!plugin;\n } catch(e){}\n try {\n // for our special friend IE\n " \
18  " plugin = new ActiveXObject('AgControl.AgControl');\n return true;\n } " \
19  "catch(e){}\n\n return false;\n };\n\n // return true if the browser thinks " \
20  "it can play the mimetype\n function html5_video_type(type) {\n var support =" \
21  " false;\n\n \n if (type == 'video/mp4') {\n if (navigator.userAgent.i" \
22  "ndexOf('Firefox') > -1) {\n //firefox claims to support MP4 but doesn't\n" \
23  " return false;\n }\n else if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSI" \
24  "E') > -1) && (parseInt(navigator.userAgent.split('MSIE')[1]) <= 9)) {\n /" \
25  "/IE <= 9 doesn't either\n return false;\n }\n }\n \n \n " \
26  "try {\n var v = document.createElement('video');\n\n if( v && v.canPla" \
27  "yType(type) != \"\" )\n {\n support = true; // true-ish, anyway\n " \
28  " }\n } catch(e){}\n\n return support;\n }\n \n //return true if rtsp " \
29  "is supported\n function rtsp_support() {\n var plugin;\n \n try {\n " \
30  " // check in the mimeTypes\n plugin = navigator.mimeTypes[\"application/x" \
31  "-google-vlc-plugin\"];\n return !!plugin;\n } catch(e){}\n try {\n " \
32  " // for our special friend IE\n plugin = new ActiveXObject('VideoLAN.Vlcp" \
33  "lugin.1');\n return true;\n } catch(e){}\n \n return false;\n }\n" \
34  "\n // parse a \"type\" string from the controller. Format:\n // xxx/# (e.g. fl" \
35  "ash/3) or xxx/xxx/xxx (e.g. html5/application/ogg)\n function parseType(type) {" \
36  "\n var split = type.split('/');\n \n if( split.length > 2 ) {\n sp" \
37  "lit[1] += '/' + split[2];\n }\n \n return split;\n }\n \n // return " \
38  "true if a type is supported\n function hasSupport(type) {\n var typemime = p" \
39  "arseType(type);\n \n switch(typemime[0]) {\n case 'flash': " \
40  " return flash_version() >= parseInt(typemime[1], 10); break;\n " \
41  "case 'html5': return html5_video_type(typemime[1]); " \
42  " break;\n case 'rtsp': return rtsp_support(); " \
43  " break;\n case 'silverlight': return" \
44  " silverlight_installed(); break;\n default:" \
45  " return false; " \
46  " break;\n }\n }\n\n \n // build HTML for certain kinds of types\n functi" \
47  "on buildPlayer(src, container, videowidth, videoheight, vtype) {\n // used to" \
48  " recalculate the width/height\n var ratio;\n\n // get the container's widt" \
49  "h/height\n var containerwidth = parseInt(container.scrollWidth, 10);\n var" \
50  " containerheight = parseInt(container.scrollHeight, 10);\n\n if(videowidth > " \
51  "containerwidth && containerwidth > 0) {\n ratio = videowidth / containerwid" \
52  "th;\n\n videowidth /= ratio;\n videoheight /= ratio;\n }\n\n if(" \
53  "videoheight > containerheight && containerheight > 0) {\n ratio = videoheig" \
54  "ht / containerheight;\n\n videowidth /= ratio;\n videoheight /= ratio;" \
55  "\n }\n\n var maintype = parseType(src.type);\n mistvideo[streamname].em" \
56  "bedded = src;\n \n switch(maintype[0]) {\n case 'flash':\n // " \
57  "maintype[1] is already checked (i.e. user has version > maintype[1])\n va" \
58  "r flashplayer,\n url = encodeURIComponent(src.url) + '&controlBarMode=flo" \
59  "ating&initialBufferTime=0.5&expandedBufferTime=5&minContinuousPlaybackTime=3' + " \
60  "(vtype == 'live' ? \"&streamType=live\" : \"\") + (autoplay ? '&autoPlay=true' :" \
61  " '');\n \n /*\n if( parseInt(maintype[1], 10) >= 10 ) {\n " \
62  " flashplayer = 'http://fpdownload.adobe.com/strobe/FlashMediaPlayback_101" \
63  ".swf';\n }\n else {\n flashplayer = 'http://fpdownload.ad" \
64  "obe.com/strobe/FlashMediaPlayback.swf';\n }\n */\n flashpla" \
65  "yer = src.player_url;\n \n container.innerHTML += '<object width=\"" \
66  "' + videowidth + '\" height=\"' + videoheight + '\">' +\n " \
67  " '<param name=\"movie\" value=\"' + flashplayer + '\"></param>' + \n " \
68  " '<param name=\"flashvars\" value=\"src=' + url + '\"" \
69  "></param>' +\n '<param name=\"allowFullScreen\" v" \
70  "alue=\"true\"></param>' +\n '<param name=\"allows" \
71  "criptaccess\" value=\"always\"></param>' + \n '<p" \
72  "aram name=\"wmode\" value=\"direct\"></param>' +\n " \
73  " (autoplay ? '<param name=\"autoPlay\" value=\"true\">' : '') +\n " \
74  " '<embed src=\"' + flashplayer + '\" type=\"application/x-shock" \
75  "wave-flash\" allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"' + v" \
76  "ideowidth + '\" height=\"' + videoheight + '\" flashvars=\"src=' + url + '\"></e" \
77  "mbed>' + \n '</object>';\n break;\n\n cas" \
78  "e 'html5':\n container.innerHTML += '<video width=\"' + videowidth + '\" " \
79  "height=\"' + videoheight + '\" src=\"' + encodeURI(src.url) + '\" controls=\"con" \
80  "trols\" '+(autoplay ? 'autoplay=\"autoplay\"' : '')+'><strong>No HTML5 video sup" \
81  "port</strong></video>';\n break;\n \n case 'rtsp':\n /" \
82  "*container.innerHTML += '<object classid=\"clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFB" \
83  "BCCFA\" width=\"'+videowidth+'\" height=\"'+videoheight+'\">'+\n " \
84  " '<param name=\"src\" value=\"'+encodeURI(src.url)+'\">'+\n " \
85  " '<param name=\"console\" value=\"video1\">'+\n " \
86  " '<param name=\"controls\" value=\"All\">'+\n " \
87  " '<param name=\"autostart\" value=\"false\">'+\n " \
88  " '<param name=\"loop\" value=\"false\">'+\n " \
89  " '<embed name=\"myMovie\" src=\"'+encodeURI(src.url)+'\"" \
90  " width=\"'+videowidth+'\" height=\"'+videoheight+'\" autostart=\"false\" loop=\"" \
91  "false\" nojava=\"true\" console=\"video1\" controls=\"All\"></embed>'+\n " \
92  " '<noembed>Something went wrong.</noembed>'+\n " \
93  " '</object>'; //realplayer, doesnt work */\n contai" \
94  "ner.innerHTML += '<embed type=\"application/x-google-vlc-plugin\"'+\n " \
95  " 'pluginspage=\"http://www.videolan.org\"'+\n " \
96  " 'width=\"'+videowidth+'\"'+\n " \
97  " 'height=\"'+videoheight+'\"'+\n 'target=\"" \
98  "'+encodeURI(src.url)+'\"'+\n 'autoplay=\"'+(aut" \
99  "oplay ? 'yes' : 'no')+'\"'+\n '>'+\n " \
100  " '</embed>'+\n '<object classid" \
101  "=\"clsid:9BE31822-FDAD-461B-AD51-BE1D1C159921\" codebase=\"http://downloads.vide" \
102  "olan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/latest/win32/axvlc.cab\">'+\n " \
103  " '</object>'; //vlc, seems to work, sort of. it's trying anyway\n bre" \
104  "ak;\n \n case 'silverlight':\n container.innerHTML += '<obje" \
105  "ct data=\"data:application/x-silverlight,\" type=\"application/x-silverlight\" w" \
106  "idth=\"' + videowidth + '\" height=\"' + videoheight + '\">'+\n " \
107  " '<param name=\"source\" value=\"' + encodeURI(src.url) + '/play" \
108  "er.xap\"/>'+\n '<param name=\"onerror\" value=\"" \
109  "onSilverlightError\" />'+\n '<param name=\"auto" \
110  "Upgrade\" value=\"true\" />'+\n '<param name=\"" \
111  "background\" value=\"white\" />'+\n '<param nam" \
112  "e=\"enableHtmlAccess\" value=\"true\" />'+\n '<" \
113  "param name=\"minRuntimeVersion\" value=\"3.0.40624.0\" />'+\n " \
114  " '<param name=\"initparams\" value =\\'autoload=false,'+(autoplay " \
115  "? 'autoplay=true' : 'autoplay=false')+',displaytimecode=false,enablecaptions=tru" \
116  "e,joinLive=true,muted=false,playlist=<playList><playListItems><playListItem titl" \
117  "e=\"Test\" description=\"testing\" mediaSource=\"' + encodeURI(src.url) + '\" ad" \
118  "aptiveStreaming=\"true\" thumbSource=\"\" frameRate=\"25.0\" width=\"\" height=\"" \
119  "\"></playListItem></playListItems></playList>\\' />'+\n " \
120  " '<a href=\"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=124807\" style=\"text" \
121  "-decoration: none;\"> <img src=\"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=108181\"" \
122  " alt=\"Get Microsoft Silverlight\" style=\"border-style: none\" /></a>'+\n " \
123  " '</object>';\n break;\n default:\n co" \
124  "ntainer.innerHTML += '<strong>Missing embed code for output type \"'+src.type+'\"" \
125  "</strong>';\n video.error = 'Missing embed code for output type \"'+src.t" \
126  "ype;\n }\n }\n \n var video = mistvideo[streamname],\n container = docu" \
127  "ment.createElement('div'),\n forceType = false,\n forceSupportCheck = fals" \
128  "e,\n autoplay = false,\n urlappend = false;\n \n if (me.parentNode.hasAt" \
129  "tribute('data-forcetype')) {\n forceType = me.parentNode.getAttribute('data-f" \
130  "orcetype');\n }\n if (me.parentNode.hasAttribute('data-forcesupportcheck')) {\n" \
131  " forceSupportCheck = true;\n }\n if (me.parentNode.hasAttribute('data-autop" \
132  "lay')) {\n autoplay = true;\n }\n if (me.parentNode.hasAttribute('data-urla" \
133  "ppend')) {\n urlappend = me.parentNode.getAttribute('data-urlappend');\n }\n" \
134  " \n if (video.width == 0) { video.width = 250; }\n if (video.height == 0) { v" \
135  "ideo.height = 250; }\n \n // create the container\n me.parentNode.insertBefor" \
136  "e(container, me);\n // set the class to 'mistvideo'\n container.setAttribute('" \
137  "class', 'mistvideo');\n // remove script tag\n me.parentNode.removeChild(me);\n" \
138  "\n if(video.error) {\n // there was an error; display it\n if (video.on_e" \
139  "rror){\n container.innerHTML = video.on_error;\n }else{\n container" \
140  ".innerHTML = ['<strong>Error: ', video.error, '</strong>'].join('');\n }\n }" \
141  "\n else if ((typeof video.source == 'undefined') || (video.source.length < 1)) " \
142  "{\n // no stream sources\n if (video.on_error){\n container.innerHTML" \
143  " = video.on_error;\n }else{\n container.innerHTML = '<strong>Error: no p" \
144  "rotocols found</strong>';\n }\n }\n else {\n // no error, and sources fo" \
145  "und. Check the video types and output the best\n // available video player.\n" \
146  " var i,\n vtype = (video.type ? video.type : 'unknown'),\n foundPla" \
147  "yer = false,\n len = video.source.length;\n \n for (var i in video." \
148  "source) {\n var support = hasSupport(video.source[i].type);\n video.so" \
149  "urce[i].browser_support = support;\n if ((support) || (forceType)) {\n " \
150  " if ((!forceType) || ((forceType) && (video.source[i].type.indexOf(forceType) " \
151  ">= 0))) {\n if (foundPlayer === false) { \n foundPlayer = i;" \
152  "\n if (!forceSupportCheck) {\n break;\n }\n " \
153  " }\n }\n }\n }\n if (foundPlayer === false) {\n //" \
154  " of all the streams given, none was supported (eg. no flash and HTML5 video). Di" \
155  "splay error\n container.innerHTML = '<strong>No support for any player foun" \
156  "d</strong>';\n }\n else {\n // we support this kind of video, so buil" \
157  "d it.\n var source = video.source[foundPlayer];\n if (urlappend) {\n " \
158  " source.url += urlappend;\n source.relurl += urlappend;\n }\n " \
159  " else if (me.src.indexOf('?') != -1) {\n var params = me.src.split('?'" \
160  ");\n params.shift();\n params.join('?');\n source.url += '?" \
161  "'+params;\n source.relurl += '?'+params;\n }\n buildPlayer(sour" \
162  "ce, container, video.width, video.height, vtype);\n }\n }\n \n return (mis" \
163  "tvideo[streamname].embedded ? mistvideo[streamname].embedded.type : false);\n /" \
164  "/keep empty line at end of file\n}\n";
165 unsigned int embed_js_len = 12497;
const char * embed_js
Definition: embed.js.h:1
unsigned int embed_js_len
Definition: embed.js.h:165